Anchor Pointe Media Specialist Brenna Barney sought out a way for students to get excited about reading while enjoying the outdoors. Through the Foundation’s Classroom Grant program, she was able to do just that by implementing the district’s first Story Walk.
“A Storywalk is a printed story built for display where students, staff and community members can view while being outside,” said Barney, “Every single student who attends Anchor Pointe, plus the entire community that comes to the playground and ball fields, can walk through and enjoy this new addition.”
The Foundation covered costs for printable download of the StoryWalk book, yard signs, lamination to ensure durability year-round, and velcro to assist Barney with creation and installation of this project. Based on the success of this pilot at Anchor Pointe, the Foundation board will consider expansion to the other four elementary schools.
“Reading is one of my favorite pastimes and being outdoors is another. Why not connect both worlds and make it an inviting and fun resource for our community?” said Barney, “This has been a fun way for students to be able to read and enjoy the outdoors!”
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